Opening a bank account in Bulgarian bank

Open a bank account in Bulgarian bank and enjoy one of the most stable and effective bank systems in Europe, as well as secure and easy money transactions. Bulgarian banks are safe place for your money because have bigger buffers against cataclysms than most of the banks in Europe. They exceed twice the minimal required level of capital adequacy in the EU. The Bulgarian banks are part of SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area), without being part of the Eurozone, which guarantees instant wire transfers in the EU. The Bulgarian lev is pegged to the Euro.

During our 22 years business experience in Bulgaria, we have established excellent relations with various banks. We are familiar with the specifics of bank account openings, bank taxes and contract terms. That’s why we can guide you through the process or do it for you.

After new EU regulation for avoiding money laundering which Bulgaria and most of EU countries accept in May 2019, opening the individual or corporate bank account to foreigner individuals or owners on Bulgarian companies became a difficult as a process. Bank’s security departments are research every single foreigner before they give the permission for account opening. Minimum time for researching is 10 business days. Most banks here have a fee for this researching. In these difficult times in world COVID-19 situation we help to our clients in that process. By our experience better and faster way for have a corporate bank accounts is to buy our product “Ready-made company”.

Our Bulgarian banks provide a personal and corporate bank accounts in different currency and client could choose it. Operate it easy and securely via Internet and/or telephone banking.

The remote opening a bank account in Bulgaria is also possible services providing only by us. For that purpose, we are working with UniCredit Bulbank and First investment bank in a special condition. All we need is power of attorney prepare by chosen bank, which should be sign by council in Bulgarian embassy in your country. With one action you could receive a company bank accounts, company bank card and online banking. Also, we could provide you in the similar price in the same condition also personal bank card and bank account as remote services. All cards and bank access will be activating it after clients receiving because of the secure reasons.

Total Price: 200.00 EUR